Tuesday, April 5, 2011

top ten tuesday (4)

Top Ten Tuesday: Book Covers I Wish I Could Redesign

This Top Ten Tuesday is all about covers we'd like to redesign for whatever reason. Hosted by "The Broke And Bookish"


Before the Dawn 
This cover gets on my nerves, i dont get it, so i probs will never read this one

Midnight Cravings: Racing The Moon\Mate Of The Wolf\Captured\Dreamcatcher\Mahina's Storm\Broken Souls
The only place i read this novel is in my bed, i like the stories i have read in it but the cover is to sexy for public

The Cover doesnt suit the story, imo

The Blood Countess (Pandora English, #1)

The cover pretty much sums up the story and the lip stick gets on my nerves

The Carrie Diaries
I like the gold thiny but the rest of it is kinda. . . whaat? I own it havent read it wouldnt like to take it on a train or anything

Demon's Kiss (Wings in the Night, #13)
I Just dont like it, its wier

The Devil Inside (Morgan Kingsley, #1)
I am always wanting to read this but never do every time i think of it i just jump to the conclusion of it being about a chick in tight leather pants, i dont need to know about pants

New Moon (Twilight, #2)Breaking Dawn (Twilight, #4)
I servially hate the Twilight series, yes i have read it, none of the covers fit in to the storylines and if they do i dont get it, 

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner: An Eclipse Novella (Twilight, #3.5)
We already know how this book started what the problem is and how its going to end, i only added this book because i hate it and i needed a number nine, siriously what is the point of this book? (comment below?)

The Truth About Diamonds: A Novel

Love the book hate the cover, I am a big Nicole Richie fan, i like this book but the cover has nothing to do with it, we know your a million air with lots of money to buy diamonds, you dont need to flaunt it on your book cover as well, make your cover a little bit more artsy, ps, i do like the cover to priceless.

i would like to add this was a hard list for me as i usually judge books by their covers and their are some pretty good books with good cover art out there. 

What covers would you change?


  1. You have taken interesting covers. Some of those do need to be redesigned! Some covers are SO trashy! I have posted about that.

    Here is my Top Ten post!

  2. That Nicole Richie cover is really self-indulgent. I also don't like the Carrie Diaries cover. It is a little sad to imitate a purse on a book.

    Here is my list: http://hawthornescarlet.blogspot.com/2011/04/top-ten-tuesday-stop-embarassing-me.html

  3. That Tara Moss novel (OMG WHY IS HER NAME BIGGER THAN THE TITLE?!) reminds me a lot of the Mortal Instruments series covers. Floating head/body over a cityscape.


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